Current version: 0.1

perl module for doing rcon stuff with the Source rcon protocol.
As the comments in the module say:

#This module is *extremely* minimal, and possibly broken.
#It makes almost no use of the features of this protocol.
#Commands block, there is no queue system. That said,
#it Does What I Want It To Do(tm), and the protocol implemented by
#CS:S is a bit buggy at the moment.

#This module is based on the 'radcon' module, written by
#Matthew 'Gumby' Lees and myself.

Download: wabzcon.tar.gz

Example script / Documentation:

$rcon = new wabzcon(Host=>"", Port=>27015, Password=>"rconpassword");
This creates a new wabzcon object, AND AUTHENTICATES WITH THE SERVER.
You can immediately check for an error:

which returns a string with the error message.

returns an array with two elements, references to hashes, the first containing
player details indexed by their slot number, the second containing
server information (map, current player, max players etc).

sends the "something" command to the server and returns the string which
the server returns.

closes the tcp connection with the server.

Here's an example script (included in the download)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
use wabzcon;

my $port = 27015;
$port = $ARGV[0] if $ARGV[0];
$rcon = new wabzcon(Host=>"", Port=>$port, Password=>"rconpass");
(not $e = $rcon->get_error()) or die "Error: $e";
($players, $serv_param) = $rcon->get_players();
%players = %{$players};
%serv_param = %{$serv_param};
foreach $thing (keys %serv_param) {
	print CYAN, "$thing:\t", RESET, "$serv_param{$thing}\n", RESET;
print "\n";
foreach $id (keys %players) {
	print GREEN, "Name:\t", RESET, MAGENTA, "$players{$id}{'name'}", RESET, GREEN,"\tSteamID:  ", RESET, "$players{$id}{'uniqueid'}\n", RESET;
print $rcon->do("users");
print $rcon->do("status");